Online Case Converter Tool

Do you want to change something in your text? Do you want it Title Case or Upper Case? There is no need to start over, just paste your text here and push the button. The ready text will appear in a second.

Sentence Case

The Sentence Case tool will convert your text as a proper Sentence. This will make only the first letter of the first word uppercase, and the rest lowercase.

Sentence Case
Title Case

The Title Case tool will convert your text as a proper Title Case. This will make only the first letter of every word uppercase, and the rest lowercase.

Title Case
lower case

The Lower Case tool will convert all of your text to lowercase. This will make every letter of every word lowercase.

lower case
Upper Case

The Upper Case tool will convert all of your text to an Upper Case. This will make every letter of every word uppercase.

Snake Case

The Snake Case tool will convert your text as a proper Snake Case. What this means is that all the spaces will be replaced with underlines.

Dot Case

The Dot Case tool will convert your text into a proper Dot Case. What this means is that all the spaces will be replaced with dots.
Hyphen Case

The Hyphen Case tool will convert all of your text to a Hyphen Case. All the spaces will be replaced with a hyphen.

Remove All Spaces

Remove all white spaces tool will remove all the spaces creating one big word out of your text.

Remove All Spaces
Remove Extra Spaces

Remove Extra Spaces tool will remove all the extra spaces, leaving only one space at the end of every word.

Remove Extra Spaces
Remove New Lines

Remove New Lines tool will all the new lines, creating one paragraph from the text.

Remove New Lines

Remove Different Characters from Text

Do you have a text with the wrong characters in it, you can simply paste your text here and remove all the wrong characters in a second. Or You can replace them with the correct one in just a second.

Remove Hyphens

Remove Hyphens tool will remove all hyphens from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove -
Remove Forward Slash

Remove Forward Slash tool will remove all hyphens from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove /
Remove Backslash

Remove Backslash tool will remove all backslashes from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove \
Remove Greater-than Sign

Remove Greater-than Sign tool will remove all greater-than signs from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove >
Remove Less-than Sign

Remove the Less-than Sign tool will remove all less-than signs from your text and replace them with a space.

Remove <
Remove Period

Remove Period tool will remove all periods from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove .
Remove Comma

Remove Comma tool will remove all commas from your text and it will replace them with a space.

Remove ,
Remove Underscore

Remove Underscore tool will remove all underscores from your text and replace them with a space.

Remove _

Password Generator Tool

With this Password Generator Tool, you can create a secure password in just a second. On today's Internet, you are never safe enough, and creating a strong password is mandatory if you want to secure your social media profiles or email addresses. That is why we've created this password generator tool to help you protect yourself.

Password Generator

The Password Generator tool will create for you the perfect password in just a second. You can adjust the difficulty and length of the password.

Password Generator

Online Text Editor Tool

You can use this online text editor to type some text or copy/paste some text. If you want to get rid of the formatting or to clear the text from hyperlinks, bolded or italic formatting, different size, or anything annoying - no problem. Just paste the text and copy it with the "Copy Text" button and you are ready to go!

Text Editor

Text Editor tool can be used to type some text or can be used to copy and paste text from the internet to remove unnecessary formatting or hyperlinks.

Text Editor